Improving lives through invention

Climate Action

We believe the tools of invention and innovation can be applied to address and counteract climate change.

The Foundation understands the urgency of the climate crisis and the immediacy with which we must respond.

Our Approach

The Foundation’s Climate Initiative focuses on innovation, justice, and learning.

Our goal is to support innovative approaches to decarbonize the global economy and remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

We work with partners in the climate action space, learning and collaborating to build a better future.


Forestalling the worst impacts of the ongoing climate disruption requires transforming the way we power and build our homes, factories and businesses; the way we produce food, travel and transport goods; and the way we treat our land. The Foundation believes the technology exists today to help make these transformations. To accelerate and scale up climate solutions, we work with strategic partners to identify targeted investments in technology, innovative finance solutions, and new research. The Foundation brings deep expertise about how to build entrepreneurial ecosystems, improve access to catalytic capital, and train the next generation of game-changers.


While achieving emissions reductions is critical, the Foundation realizes that such gains are not sustainable without thriving frontline communities, and not ethical without climate justice. The Foundation works with international and local partners to help spur innovation in frontline communities, focusing on Native and Indigenous communities, as well as underserved urban and rural communities. Where possible, the Foundation seeks to address both adaptation and mitigation efforts.


The climate crisis is amplifying social, economic, and ecological uncertainty. The Foundation understands the limits of our knowledge and endeavors to be in a constant state of learning and adapting to new conditions by taking risks, exploring gaps, and catalyzing additional resources with partners in the climate action space. We seek to learn and share our experiences in collaboration with peers, partner communities, and other experts supporting climate action. We bring a commitment to three qualities that our founder, Jerry Lemelson, described as essential for an inventor: creativity, vision, and perseverance.